Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to access to Malaysia Today via proxy server

The fucking gov. strike again. Now they blocked

The easiest way to access Malaysia Today is by using free proxy server. Just follow the simple step below to access Malaysia Today.

  1. Point your browser to
  2. Key in "" and then PRESS "GO" button. Viola! There you goes!
Another easier way - CLICK HERE and you will be directed to Malaysia Today website.

Why don't the gov. just ban the internet and get us back to stone age. Ban the concert, ban the internet, I think we should ban BN too.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Malaysia Missing

Got this SMS from my colleague:

Bangla come, Malay girl missing;
China girl come, husband missing;
Politician come, Mongolian girl missing;
Election come, government fund missing;
Election lost, document missing;
Call the police, evidence missing;
Call the witness, whole family missing;
Saiful come, doctor missing;
Anwar come, Dr M missing....
Send this SMS to your friend and you will be MISSING...

What are the next thing?
Pakatan Rakyat form new government, BN and UMNO missing?
Anwar become PM, Pak Lah missing?
