Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Welcome to 2010..yep..time strike like lightning..
Just some update..

My 2010 goal..
1. Get a house - a proper landed property for my own stay. I've been hunting it since last year. Due to financial constraint, still can't find a proper house yet. Hopefully will be able to get one before first Q of 2010.

2. Same as num 1.

3. Repeat num 1 if num 2 did not achieve.

My wishlist and shopping list (both are the same. What I wish is what I wanna get...)

1. Blackberry - Why? It's been running up and down and all around my head before I decided to go for blackberry. I started to hate touch screen phone. Furthermore, my Iphone 2G had been with me for more than 2 years started to disintegrate..

2. Tripod - yes, since the last incident where I accidentally dropped my camera due to overloaded small tripod. Repair cost me rm850 bucks.. Lesson learned - use a proper tools for proper job. Good things ain't cheap, and cheap stuff ain't good!

That's all folks

More to come in 2010.. stay tune..