Wednesday, March 11, 2009

BEAR-ish year ahead!

Our ringgit declines on recession outlook. Palm oil price drop to the lowest in 17 months. Looking at current market trend, we don't know what is the bottom.It's time to save hard, the cloud is getting darker and darker, thunder striking everywhere. Sign of rainy and stormy day ahead.
USD vs MYR in 1 year period as of 10th March 2009

Every Tom Dick and Harry know bear bear is coming our way hitting all of us this year till end of next year, maybe?. Our Boleh-land government still busy politicking, courting and blasting each other party upside down instead of putting full effort and focus together to withstand bear's attack.

I am expecting lot's of bear's casualties ahead in our country.

Wake up and buck up Boleh-land!


  1. A bull year is always a good year whilst a BEAR year is a slow and sluggish year where stock are down. So your description of bull casualty is not factually correct. casualty usually comes in a bear market.

    A bull is strong and resislent. That is why the market description of a bullish market or economy means a sstrong and stampeding market or econmy. A bear is slow and amolst lazy like movement. This description apely describe the down market or econmy of being bearish.
